The Magic – Weight Loss Pill, it just doesn’t work. – Most weight loss supplements are not effective

abdominal-exercises-to-lose-body-fat-sit-ups-crunches-personal-training-fitness-classes-in-south-dublinMost Weight Loss Supplements Are Not Effective

“ … no research evidence exists that any single product results in significant weight loss — and many have detrimental health benefits.” according to Melinda Manor’s (dietician and researcher).

One of the conclusion of the study it that you have to change your diet and the way you eat and ideally exercise daily.

Most Weight Loss Supplements Are Not Effective - Science Daily ....

“The data is very strong that exercise is crucial to not only losing weight and preserving muscle mass, but keeping the weight off.”, increasing  lean body mass – muscles will help you to keep your metabolism buzzing, burning those unwanted bits of body fat.

Adding a few pound of lean tissue is done via resistance – weight training, body weight exercises e.g. Push-Up, Squats etc., you don’t necessarily need any fancy equipment, nor do you need to join a gym. You might get a few affordable, small pieces of fitness equipment e.g. a gym or Swiss ball, some weights, possibly a kettlebell, a Pilates or stretching mat and you are able to do lot of exercises at home, no need to commute, no expensive gym membership (which a lot of people don’t actually use).

“What people want is to lose weight and maintain or increase lean tissue mass,” Manore said. “There is no evidence that any one supplement does this. And some have side effects ranging from the unpleasant, such as bloating and gas, to very serious issues such as strokes and heart problems.”

You main goal should be to adapt a slightly different lifestyle, mainly focusing on
1. Whole Grains
2. Fruit
3. Vegetable
4. Lean Meats
5. Reducing your calorie intake of high-fat foods
6. Staying physically active
7. Possibly increasing your protein intake to maintain lean body tissue, muscle.

It is in a certain way rather simple, once you established new habits, routines and a regular program that is 1. realistic and 2. maintainable.

Contact us if you have any questions in relation to a healthy and realistic approach to weigh loss, which allows you to keep the weight off and boost you energy levels.

We can also advice on what kind of fitness equipment might be a good choice for you home workouts and home exercise routine.

Yours in Health and Fitness

Read the full article and Manore’s general guidelines for a healthy lifestyle her (Most Weight Loss Supplements Are Not Effective, ScienceDaily (Mar. 6, 2012) — An Oregon State University.

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